The Nature of Culture as the Strength and Stability of Society: The Perspective of Islamic Religious Education


  • Ardianto Ardianto Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare
  • St. Wardah Hanafie Das Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare



Culture, Community Stability


Culture is the main foundation that becomes strength and stability for society, because it contains values, norms, and traditions that form a collective identity. From the perspective of Islamic Religious Education (PAI), culture is seen as a strategic means to internalize Islamic values that support the creation of social and spiritual harmony. PAI plays a role in combining religious values with local cultural elements to build a society with character, ethics, and justice. In this context, culture is not only a heritage, but also a learning medium to strengthen solidarity, increase awareness of the importance of diversity, and maintain social stability. Thus, the synergy between culture and Islamic Religious Education is able to create a society that is based on noble values and resistant to the challenges of the times.



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How to Cite

Ardianto Ardianto, & St. Wardah Hanafie Das. (2024). The Nature of Culture as the Strength and Stability of Society: The Perspective of Islamic Religious Education. World Journal of Islamic Learning and Teaching, 1(4), 39–50.